Preventative Care

Maintaining smart routines today for brighter smiles tomorrow!

Preventative Care and Education

Building a Foundation of Excellent Dental Health

It is considerably simpler and less expensive to prevent dental issues than it is to treat them. We focus on delivering preventive care and education at Smile Surfers to help your little surfers steer clear of any oral health complications.
By giving your kiddos lots of resources and support, we’re guiding them in the right direction to make healthy choices in their dental journey. This is critical, not just for their dental health, but also for their overall well-being.
We offer engaging, informative training and guidance in areas such as: 
  • Suggestions for a nutritious and well-balanced diet
  • Educating your little surfers about the link between dental and total body care
  • Encouraging great exercise, sleeping, and eating habits, among other things
  • Motivating your child to make great choices in order to have a healthy and wonderful life
Our objective is to inspire you and your little surfers to embrace positive behaviors to maintain those beautiful smiles and healthy bodies!

Fighting Off the Sugar Monster

Being aware of the effects of excessive sugar consumption can help your kiddos make informed decisions!

Kids and sugar are quite a pair, much like honey is to bees! The bacteria that causes tooth decay thrives on sugar, which is why dentists have always been wary about sugary foods and beverages. However, new research has revealed that sugar’s negative consequences can extend past dental health. It also has an impact on one’s general health. Excessive sugar consumption has been connected to the development of serious medical complications in both children and adults!  If we solve the greater issue of excessive sugar consumption, we will also tackle the issue of sugar and teeth. The earlier that we have productive discussions about having a healthy relationship with sugar, the more effective our preventive actions will be.  Check out this brief clip for more information about the effects of excess sugar: 

Healthy Options

FAQs About Preventive Care

We'll answer whatever you want to know!

What are dental sealants?

While brushing and flossing can clear bits of food and plaque from the surfaces of your little surfer’s teeth, the molars (the ones waaaay in the back) are tougher to clean completely. The back teeth account for 90% of all cavities. A dental sealant is a transparent polymer that may be applied to a tooth to “block out” stubborn bits of food and plaque that may cause teeth to deteriorate.  They’ve been proven to lessen the possibility of cavities by 80%. We’d love to apply sealants as soon as your little surfer’s permanent teeth emerge. Sealants can help your kiddo’s teeth stay cavity-free from the ages of six to fourteen. Also, they’re usually covered by insurance, so we encourage you to bring it up at your next visit! 

Is it necessary for my child's teeth to have fluoride treatments?

Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens enamel and can help to avoid cavities. It can also reduce the risk of tooth decay by lessening the tooth’s susceptibility to the acid produced by plaque and bacteria. Fluoride treatments are recommended for children under the age of 16, particularly if they are in a region where fluoride has not been introduced to the public water supply.

What are some ways that I can avoid tooth decay in my child's teeth?

Along with implementing preventive care, the single most important thing you can do for your little surfer is to assist him or her in developing proper and consistent cleanliness routines. After their first tooth emerges, bringing your kiddo in to see their Smile Surfers family and setting up regular visits allows us to play a role in educating your little surfer about appropriate and effective dental care. We make it exciting and fascinating for the kiddos, especially making it a point to reward good performance along the way.  We love to see parents continue this guidance with their children at home! We’d be over the moon to assist you with suggestions, tools, and advice on positively encouraging your children to follow healthy dental routines. 

Nothing Matters More Than Your Child's Health.

Visit Smile Surfers, where we care for you like family - because you are.