Sedation Dentistry

Helping children conquer comfortable and reassured at their appointments

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Smooth Sailing at Every Dental Visit

A trip to the dentist shouldn’t be anxiety-inducing!
At Smile Surfers in Kennewick, we aim to add fun and excitement to your children’s dental visits by implementing encouraging behavioral strategies, creating an enjoyable atmosphere, and more!
We understand that some children are better acquainted with dental visits than others; this is why we provide flexible options such as sedation dentistry.
Sedation is an excellent approach to make your little surfer feel more at ease while they’re in the dentist’s chair. It may be beneficial for your kiddo if they are dealing with the following conditions:
  • Severe dental anxiety
  • Trouble sitting still
  • Special needs
  • Multiple treatments
To find out whether sedation dentistry is appropriate for your child, please reach out to us!

Tackle Dentist Appointments with Ease

Sedation dentistry can provide support for your little surfer in more ways than one!

Overcome Fears

Sedation dentistry is a form of care that assists your little surfer with developing confidence in the dentist and dental procedures, allowing them to surpass hurdles and build healthy, long-standing dental practices.


Settle your child in a tranquil state with sedation, so that they may go through the appointment without being distracted by worried thoughts about what will happen.

Complete Treatment

This technique may enable our pediatric dentists to finish up more procedures in one session and lessen the need for additional visits. This would be optimal if your little surfer has difficulty with dental treatments.

What are the Different Kinds of Sedation?

We'll help you discover the best choice for your child.

Nitrous Oxide

Laughing gas, often referred to as nitrous oxide, is a light form of sedation.
It’s administered through a nosepiece to help your child feel more relaxed during the treatment. Depending on your child’s level of relaxation, the degree of sedation may vary.
Using nitrous oxide means that your little surfer will be conscious and able to talk and/or follow the dentist’s instructions throughout the treatment.

With nitrous oxide, your child will remain awake and be able to communicate or respond to the dentist’s instructions.

Oral Conscious Sedation

This category provides a mild to moderate sedation effect.
Oral conscious sedation allows your child to feel incredibly calm and still, which is excellent for dental visits. They may experience grogginess and gently doze off, but the sedative will not actively put them to sleep. We’ll keep a close eye on them during their visit to make sure that everything is going well. After everything is done, they will not remember much from the visit.

General Anesthesia

Anesthesia, specifically general anesthesia, is a potent sedative that an anesthesiologist dispenses in the office. It might be necessary for your child, but it varies based on:
  • Their needs
  • The extent of the process
  • The services needed
  • Their age
Your little surfer will be carefully observed while they are with us to make sure that they are perfectly safe the whole time. They’ll have no recollection of the treatment after it’s finished.

Making Your Visit More Enjoyable!

Still Curious About Sedation Dentistry?

Look through the resources below for more information!

How can I tell which type of sedation is right for my child?

The answer to this question is determined by your child’s specific situation, the type of or amount of treatments required, and so on.

If you believe that dental sedation might suit your child’s needs, please reach out to us for assistance.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, each kind of sedation mentioned above is completely safe. We’ll keep a close eye on your little surfer at all times and adjust to their comfort levels as needed. Your child’s well-being is always top-of-mind.
In all situations, we closely adhere to best practices as outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for children’s sedation.

What is the price range for sedation dentistry?

The total bill will depend on the kind of sedative that was administered, the treatment(s), and your insurance plan. Please reach out to your nearest Smile Surfers office for a price estimate and to explore payment options with us. Everyone is unique, and we’re happy to help with whatever your needs may be!

What is the duration of nitrous oxide's effects?

As soon as we’re done, we’ll turn off the laughing gas, and the effects will begin to diminish right away. Usually, it just takes a few minutes, but may stretch up to 30 minutes. However, your little surfer should be perfectly fine to return to school after their visit.

A Stress-Free Dentist Appointment, Every Time

Give us a call if you're curious about sedation dentistry for your child.